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47178 12/09/01

Hey everyone,

Welcome to my first news update at the NEW Evilgrinch.com. As more news becomes avilable, I will post more regularly, but at the moment news is sparse.
Currently, Jp4 is still in development. Fortunately for me though, I have spoken to an ILM "Insider" who has apparently sat in on early meetings with Spielberg and friends, discussing what direction the series should be taken in.
Usually I would be sceptical of anything an Insider would say, as the chance are high that they would ba a fake. But you'll have to trust me on this occasion, that after speaking to the man, he has the credentials and info to prove that he is telling the truth.
It would be dull If I posted his whole article, charting his history at ILM, but here are exerts that specifically discuss Jp4. They are taken from his original thread at "Dansjp3page.com"...

"Steven and Co. held a conference to come up with the next film, JP4, and how we would go about managing it. This wasn’t on any particular day. It was just to see how things might operate during Jurassic Park 4’s production. A small group was invited to sit in. We tried to mainly create an extensive idea of the story but did get to know a lot about the work we might be producing from the supervisors and art directors. Here are some of my recounts of the conference, and I have tried to recall the majority of them. I hope you appreciate them. Most of what we talked about were concepts, which means although they may be close to the final product, they’re not 100% certain, but you never know. The artists were there to draw up concepts if needed. The basic concepts that kept popping up were Isla Nublar, which you know as the first island. They tickered with the thought that the previous three movies (not the novels) didn’t really explain what happened after Jurassic Park. The prequel concept popped up regularly. But the majority of the discussion was on Isla Nublar. There was brief talk of continuing on after Jurassic Park 3 chronologically, but it was put down at that time due to the audience thinking it would lack creativity to instantly bring the Dinos back to the mainland. They really wanted to create something different this time. Isla Sorna was dropped for the time being. During the discussion, the artists and writers did their scribbling as normal. Steve wanted to show the “King Kong” entrance again. The can that was supposably lost in the mud was brought up as an idea. The idea was not to feature Isla Nublar in the film as a majority, but just that the can was found during the destruction of Nublar, and utilised. Some previous characters came up. Alan of course came up for a sequel. Billy was briefly mentioned, as was Ian. But most of the characters were directed towards a prequel. That is, how to bring them back before the first film. There were never any ideas of the film being between one and two or two and three. Actually, the only one was first up, and it included Isla Sorna during first movie, and the accidents that happen on that island to leave it abandoned. Apart from that, it was sequel, and prequel – no in-betweens. One of the writers had a cool idea that we enjoyed. The genetic problems the dino-creators were having before Jurassic Park, and an adventure with brand new characters as they are trying to deal with the park full of dinosaurs. It was far more detailed then this, and I might post it another time.

Of course, this was only a preliminary discussion between a few executives, writers, artists, and Steven. I wouldn’t be surprised if they change their minds. And it wasn’t really official as we were still preparing for Jurassic Park 3’s release at te time. Most of the ideas I’ve cut down to include the best ones. There’s plenty more that came up, but I gotta run."

A week or so later, "Insider" made contact, and gave information of another meeting that he attended. Here is the transcript...

"While I have been down in Canberra visiting a dinosaur museum, the word around the office was the preliminary plot concept had been chosen to be discussed in the upcoming conference meeting. As I said, the basic concept was going back to Isla Nubular - a popular suggestion at the initial conference. It was associated with the prequel concept, but now with a bit of a twist – they wanted something different to happen in the fourth film. I think you will be impressed with what’s come up so far, and don’t worry; I’m allowed to tell you. Its been titled “the Hammond dream”?!? What did I tell you - Steven wanted to go in a new direction with the fourth of the series, and I think this may be his solution. Its been suggested that John has a flashback sequence, kind of like a collection of memories, about before the park was destroyed. That’s all that’s known so far, but it will be a sequel, and its not known how this will be done as of yet. This is just speculation but I really think Alan Grant could be in this film. With what I previously heard at the conference, it seems the producers really want early characters to return, as well as going back to the original park. What do you guys think?"

As is usual though, we probably won't be hearing much from Insider again. This little message was emailed to him...

"Dear Insider:
Universal Studios Ltd. and its affiliated and related entities (collectively " Universal Studios ") are the sole and exclusive owners of all rights in the major motion pictures Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park III, and the forthcoming feature film Jurassic Park IV (collectively the "Jurassic Park Films"). Those motion pictures and the characters which appear therein are protected by the copyright and trademark laws of the United States and other nations. It has come to our attention that you have posted descriptions and other material relating to a confidential meeting from the production of Jurassic Park IV on the World Wide Web site www.dansjp3page, and www. dreamworksfansite.com and www.evilgrinch.50megs.com and related pages. Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"), other federal and state copyright laws, trademark law, and other statutes, you are hereby notified that your actions constitute infringement of Universal Studios’ rights. You may also be in possession of stolen property of Lucasfilm.

We demand that you persuade these sites to remove all of the items described above that are accessible on or through your system or network, accessed by users through your system or network, or located using your information location tools; and disable access to any sites fulfilling these criteria by September 2nd. We further demand that you immediately turn over any Universal Studios associated information about yourself to us and provide us with information regarding the source of the materials. You must provide written assurance that you will comply with this demand immediately.

Universal Studios is the exclusive owner of all relevant rights in and to the Jurassic Park Films. Pursuant to the DMCA, we have a good faith belief that any items falling into the categories identified above infringe Universal Studio's copyrights and other intellectual property rights, and are not authorized by Universal Studios or its agents. I am authorized to act on Universal Studios' behalf regarding these matters. The information provided in this communication is accurate to the best of my knowledge and is provided under penalty of perjury.


David J. Anderman
Associate Director of Business Affairs

Well that was the end of Insider.

In other news, It has been suggested recently that the Jp4 logo may take the shape of a footprint. As you know, the /// in the Jp3 logo was desgined to look like claw marks, and it would make sense for the IV to look like a footprint.

Hang about, and expect more news in the coming weeks...


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